Trenton was born August 5, 1985.  Originally from Rio Rancho, NM, he now lives in New York City. 

Trenton displayed a natural athletic ability at an early age and was involved in team sports throughout his youth. He showed a capability in other physical activities like hiking, biking, and snowboarding. He continued with organized sports until, while in high school, he discovered more captivating interests. He became heavily involved in organizations for student government and theater arts and went so far as to attend state-wide and national conferences for each. At his graduation in 2003, he was awarded the Excellence in the Arts Award by his school.

Trenton continued his theatrical studies at the University of New Mexico before moving to New York City, where he completed the Integrated musical theater program at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy. He went on to perform in regional theater and in 2007, he appeared in the first Asia tour of 42nd Street, where he continued his tap-dancing education, honed new communication skills, and gained an obsession with international cuisine.

After a year, Trenton returned to the United States and relocated to Los Angeles, where he made his first foray into television and film.  It was here he ventured into unknown territories by acting on a green-screened soundstage for an animated film, learning the basics of trapeze from a family of circus icons, and even syncing up with a young director for a movie musical. He continued playing sports (winning several titles with his softball team) and studying acting on both coasts with teachers like Forbidden Broadway's Phillip George,  acting coach Larry Moss, and veteran actress Tracy Gould.

2012 saw Trenton’s return to the BIG Apple. He jumped right in, quickly becoming involved with several theatre groups and classes. One new field of study: VoiceOver. Having worked some doozy ADR sessions before, Trenton found himself right at home in the recording booth. He has lent his voice to a widely popular video game as well as original cartoons. Trenton has continued his study of the arts and expanded his acting portfolio to include Hamlet and other coveted roles from Shakespeare’s catalog. Trenton has a talent for gardening (and can boast of an ample NYC apartment garden) and cooking (in particular, baking and anything fried). He regularly directs short plays, is writing a television show, and is one-third of the founding team of Three-Headed Lion Productions, formed recently to help create avenues for unheard voices to get their art seen.

Trenton currently resides in Manhattan with his wife, Erica, and their cat, Hobbes.